
Category: Uncategorized

  • Advanced Coding – Write Bots with Logging Feature

    Advanced Coding – Write Bots with Logging Feature

    https://youtu.be/hiPdOWv0z5o   Hi everyone. Good evening. So this is a little followup video for the stateful programming, and I will release some additional videos over the next couple of days. Though, the first one I would like to give you an idea of how to implement some logging into your bot, with just a very…

  • How to build state aware Bots

    How to build state aware Bots

    https://youtu.be/izHzChsnR8E   Hi, guys. Good evening. Today I would like to talk about state full programming or status aware bots, self recovery, self-healing bots, self-repair features. So what do I mean by that? The thing is, when you code in a straightforward way, like for example, this code here you see. You have navigate command…

  • Why ExBrowser Plugin?

    Why ExBrowser Plugin?

      Why and when should you use ExBrowser Plugin? Hello, everyone. Good evening. In this video I would like to address the question about what is better with ExBrowser Plugin Version 2, and how does it compare to the built-in Ubot Studio browser? So, why should you get ExBrowser Plugin? First of all, let me…

  • How to do multithreading with ExBrowser Plugin

    How to do multithreading with ExBrowser Plugin

    Multithreading can be very tricky at first. But if you follow the right method, it works perfectly fine. But there are certain things that you should do, that I cover in this video.